Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The weather is perfect.

Sitting in the student center is one of my favorite things, whether it be inside or outside or downstairs or whatnot. The weather is truly perfect. Not too hot at all but the sun is shining just enough to balance out the cool weather with a faded and worn sorta blue sky. The Career Fair is tomorrow, and I am not prepared. I am not prepared in many senses. I haven't updated my resume in forever and I feel like, once again, the event crept up on me without my knowing. Maybe I'll update my resume tonight after I get home from tutoring. We'll see.

I had a really good talk with Jada a few nights ago. We were just winding down in the jacuzzi after soccer practice and some homework, and I brought up the topic of homosexuality. It was a very reaffirming talk even though I have such mixed feelings about the topic. I feel like my unsteady foundation in this area wasn't steadied in any aspect, but I do feel like the surface area got a little smaller. All the gray areas in the world really pick your brain, don't they? So much of my life, or at least my college life, has been spent trying to understand and comprehend. I think that's why I like philosophy so much. It makes me start from the basics and then work my way upward... or outward. I think it's important to figure out why we think the way we do and to understand where these thoughts come from. I don't think that statement made any sense. Oh well.

My brother left for NY this morning, and it's weird knowing that I won't see him until probably Christmas. But I'm happy for him and Sujung. Hopefully he'll begin to sift through his life and start figuring stuff out for himself.

Musicians amaze me. iTunes is on shuffle right now and I'm listening to The Beatles- Across the Universe. The lyrics are incredible. Every word is so poetic and perfect. It would be incredible to have a musical gift with which you could create timeless music.

I really have no idea what I blog about nowadays. But I do like being able to put down the madness that is my thoughts down so I can look back and think, "Man, my brain is so cluttered." Anyways, time to change into "casual-business attire" and head to Admin Intern class. Oh boy.

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